Pastor Brian D. Braunschweiger
Pastor Brian Braunschweiger is a local pastor serving in the Western North Carolina Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. He lives in Stokesdale with his wife, Judi, and dog, Wesley. A grown son and his wife and their 3 daughters (his grand-daughters) live in Greenville, SC. A grown daughter and her husband live in Charlotte. Brian loves Jesus and has a passion to serve. Besides his background as a pastor, Brian and Judi have also served as missionaries in various locales and Brian has also been a missions mobilizer. Brian enjoys travel, games of all kinds, and gardening. You can tell something about a person by their favorites. Here are some of Brian’s: Favorite Movie - Princess Bride Favorite pet - Dog Favorite Dessert - Boston Creme Pie
Pastor Brian seeks visits, conversations, counseling or prayer regarding any needs or concerns you have. He can be reached through the Mt. Zion phone number (336-548-4455) or his email at [email protected]
Brian’s office is just inside the Fellowship Hall entry door at Mt. Zion UMC, 3708 Ellisboro Road, Stokesdale, NC 27357